Synchronicity at the Toronto Art Expo!

Synchronicity abounded this weekend while I was at the Toronto Art Expo. Right next door to us in the Metro Convention Centre the Holistic World Expo was taking place. As luck would have it, I met James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy and had my picture taken with him. He kindly autographed my copy of The Celestine Vision, which of course, I just happened to be reading at the time! Today I am recharging my battery. Last night Jeff and I got back from Toronto around midnight and still had to unpack all the paintings and store away the display booth. This year’s Toronto Art Expo was busier than ever, with over 17,000 visitors and some beautiful works of art. It was a great opportunity to network with other artists, plus I sold a number of paintings and made some very promising contacts. I was approached by two publishing companies that want to sell giclĂ©e prints of my paintings, two interior design consultants, a gallery in Yorkville, and the editor of Calgary based Synchronicity Magazine, who is interested in writing an article about my “healing” art for an upcoming edition. Now I have lots of follow-up to do from the show and catch-up at home.