Upcoming Exhibitions:
Hello Everyone,
Just a quick note to let you know what I'll be up to during the month of November. Please visit me if you happen to be in Toronto or even Italy! I'd love to see you and personally show you my newest paintings. I am mindful of all aspects of creation and trust that my images will help others find and resonate with the beauty within themselves. I invite you to consider my work for yourself or as a gift for someone you care about. Acquiring and collecting original art is a personal decision, made when we are inspired by excellence and commit to surrounding ourselves with the "extraordinary" in our lives!
Check out my website http://www.maurajoylustig.com/ for more information.
On another note, the time has flown by since I last wrote. It's amazing how much the weather has changed in the meantime. Last night we all turned the clocks an hour back and had an extra hour's sleep this morning. Today I watched as wind and snow flurries changed my world briefly into a winter landscape. I am busy preparing for my upcoming shows in Toronto and Italy and have sent out exhibition notices to over 600 contacts. Swinging back and forth between confidence and fear over the steps I am taking, I remind myself that all we ever have is now, and that each of us must create our reality and live into it. I am grateful to have the opportunity to meet and know many souls. As the saying goes "A Stranger is just a friend that I haven't met yet. Who knows what the next month will bring! Here are two recent photos of my gallery at home and me, enjoying a quiet sunrise in my studio with a cup of coffee and a newly finished painting.
I would love to hear from you.