My Artwork on Display at the Womens' Business Network of Peterborough

On Wednesday, September 13th, 2006, I attended the Women's Business Network of Peterborough meeting at the Holiday Inn, Waterfront in Peterborough and brought a few of my paintings with me. It's great to start the season off with a booth presenting my paintings to the members and showing them some of the work that I have been doing during the summer. I enjoy being part of social groups within my area - it is so important to be involved with your local community while at the same time becoming involved in an international art community. As the saying goes" Think globally, act locally!" During the same week one of my paintings "Spirals of Light" was featured on the cover of a regional arts and entertainment publication "The Link" and there was an article on September 16th about me in The Peterborough Examiner by staff writer Andrea Houston, called "From businesswoman to artist". One step at a time. What you think about, talk about and do about, comes about!


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